zondag 14 november 2010

Pipe Poul Winslow

vrijdag 5 november 2010

Zippo with European Number: Zippo 1.410.188

Zippo Wave

Zippo with European Number: Zippo 2.000.866

Zippo Ice Hockey

Zippo with European Number: Zippo 2.000.262

Zippo Ski Emblem

Zippo with European Number: Zippo 1.200.198

Zippo Goal

Zippo Special of the Month: November 2010

Zippo Royal Flush

donderdag 9 september 2010

zaterdag 4 september 2010

Book: Von der Schönheit der Pfeife - A.P. Bastien

German book from 1987 about the history of tobacco pipes and also showing some collectables.

Book: De Tabak en de Tabaksfabrikaten

Dutch book written by Jacob Wolf and translated by S.C.J. Bertram. This book is from early 1900 and is about tobacco,

Book: Een Weduwe in Koffie, Thee en Tabak

This book is written by Peter Bulthuis. It is about the history of the famous Dutch company Van Nelle. This company was buying and selling coffee, tea and tobacco.

Catalog: Zippo Collection 2011

Zippo with European Number: Zippo 1.300.135

Zippo Red Indian

Zippo with European Number: Zippo 2.000.811

Zippo The Beatles Apple

Zippo with European Number: Zippo 1.150.001

Zippo Eagle Brass

Zippo with European Number: Zippo 2.000.295

Zippo Flying Ducks

Zippo with European Number: Zippo 2.000.420

Zippo Linda Picken Dream Team

Zippo with European Number: Zippo 2.000.419

Zippo Linda Picken Black Leopard